
Showing posts with the label css

What are pseudo-classes in CSS?

In CSS, pseudo-classes are used to define a state of an element based on its position, relationship with other elements, or user interaction.  They are denoted by a colon (:) followed by the pseudo-class name. Examples of pseudo-classes: 1. :hover - applied when an element is hovered over by a user 2. :active - applied when an element is being clicked or activated 3. :focus - applied when an element receives focus (e.g., when a user clicks on a form input) 4. :visited - applied to links that have been visited by the user 5. :first-child - applied to the first child element of a parent element 6. :last-child - applied to the last child element of a parent element 7. :nth-child(n) - applied to the nth child element of a parent element 8. :disabled - applied to elements that are disabled 9. :enabled - applied to elements that are enabled 10. :checked - applied to checkboxes and radio buttons that are checked Pseudo-classes allow you to apply styles to elements based on their state or ...

The `position` property in CSS

The `position` property in CSS is used to specify the positioning type of an element. There are four main positioning types: 1.  `position: static;` This is the default value.  Elements with `position: static;` are positioned according to the normal flow of the document.  The `top`, `right`, `bottom`, `left`, and `z-index` properties have no effect on statically positioned elements. 2. `position: relative;` Elements with `position: relative;` are positioned relative to their normal position in the document flow.  When you use `position: relative;`, you can move the element from its normal position using the offset properties (`top`, `right`, `bottom`, `left`).  However, it will still occupy space in the document flow, and nearby elements will behave as if the element has not been moved. 3. ' position: absolute;  ' Elements with `position: absolute;` are positioned relative to their nearest positioned ancestor (an ancestor element with a position other than ...

The `white-space` property in CSS

The `white-space` CSS property is used to control how white space inside an element is handled. It determines whether spaces, tabs, line breaks, and other whitespace characters are preserved or collapsed in the rendered output. The `white-space` property accepts the following values: 1. `normal`: This is the default value. Sequences of whitespace characters are collapsed into a single space. Line breaks are treated as spaces or collapsed.     2. `nowrap`: Sequences of whitespace are collapsed into a single space. Text will never wrap to the next line. Line breaks are ignored. 3. `pre`: Whitespace is preserved exactly as written in the HTML source code. Text will only wrap on line breaks and `<br>` elements. 4. `pre-wrap`: Whitespace is preserved, and text will wrap to the next line if it exceeds the width of the container. 5. `pre-line`: Sequences of whitespace are collapsed into a single space. Text will wrap to the next line if it exceeds the width of the container. He...

The "counter-increment" property in CSS

The counter-increment CSS property is used to increment one or more CSS counters.  CSS counters are variables maintained by CSS whose values can be incremented or decremented. We can use incremented counters to generate content using the content property or display their values using the counter() or counters() function.  This property is especially useful for automatically numbering items in lists or sections of content. Example to demonstrate the use of "counter-increment" CSS property <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Counter Increment Example</title> <style> /* Define a counter named 'list-counter' */ body { counter-reset: list-counter; } /* Increment the 'list-counter' for each <li> element */ li { counter-increment: list-counter; } /* Style ...

The "content" property in CSS

Where in CSS, the "content" property is used? The `content` property in CSS is used to insert content before or after an element's content, typically using the `::before` and `::after` pseudo-elements.  This property is often used for adding decorative elements or textual annotations to HTML elements. Syntax of the `content` property: /* Insert content before an element's content */ ::before { content: "content here"; } /* Insert content after an element's content */ ::after { content: "content here"; } The type of content that can be inserted You can insert text, images, icons, or other HTML elements using the `content` property. Inserting text Here's an example of how you can use `content` to insert text before and after an element: /* Insert text before and after an element */ p::before { content: "Start: "; } p::after { content: " :End"; } In this example, the text "Start: " will be inse...

Pseudo-elements in CSS and why they are called "pseudo"?

Why Pseudo-elements are there in CSS? Pseudo-elements  provide a powerful mechanism for creating visually rich and interactive user interfaces while maintaining clean and semantic HTML markup. Why they are called "pseudo"? Pseudo-elements in CSS are called "pseudo" because they are not real HTML elements that exist in the document tree. Instead, they are virtual elements created by CSS that allow you to style specific parts of an element's content or generate additional content before or after an element. The term "pseudo" means "false" or "not genuine," and in the context of CSS, it indicates that these elements are not actual elements in the HTML document structure.  They are used to style or modify the appearance of elements based on certain conditions or criteria without altering the underlying HTML. Pseudo-elements vs Pseudo-classes Pseudo-elements are identified in CSS by using double colons `::` to distinguish them from pseud...

What are CSS variables?

CSS variables, also known as custom properties, are defined using the `--` prefix followed by a name and assigned a value. Here's the general syntax for defining a CSS variable: :root { --variable-name: value; } - `:root`: The `:root` pseudo-class selects the highest-level element in the document tree, typically the `<html>` element. It's commonly used to define global CSS variables that can be accessed throughout the document. - `--variable-name`: This is the name of the CSS variable. It must start with two dashes (`--`) followed by a name. The name can consist of letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores, but it cannot start with a digit. - `value`: This is the value assigned to the CSS variable. It can be any valid CSS value, such as a color, size, font, or any other property value. Here's an example of how to define CSS variables: :root { --primary-color: #007bff; /* Define a CSS variable for the primary color */ --font-size: 16...