Finding out next palindrome of numbers in a given list?
The following program will find out the palindrome of numbers in a given list. If the number in the list is less than or equal to 10, it will be printed as such; if the number in the list is greater than 10, the next palindrome of that number will be calculated. But if the number greater than 10 is already a palindrome, then 1 will be added to it and then the next palindrome of that number will be found. mylist = [1, 6, 10, 11, 88, 535, 5439] plist = [] for number in mylist: if number <= 10: plist.append(number) elif number > 10: # comment out the following if block if palindrome in list to be written as such if str(number) == str(number)[::-1]: number += 1 while str(number) != str(number)[::-1]: number += 1 plist.append(number) print(plist)