
Showing posts with the label web workers

Understanding Worker Technologies in Web Development

Alternate titles for this article: Unleashing Parallel Power: A Tour of Web Workers, Shared Workers, and More Beyond the Main Thread: How Worker Technologies Transform Web Development Mastering Multithreading: A Guide to Leveraging Worker Technologies in JavaScript Worker technologies in web development offer powerful ways to run JavaScript in the background, separate from the main page thread. This parallelism improves performance, responsiveness, and allows for handling long-running tasks without blocking the main UI. Here are some key worker technologies: 1. Web Workers: Most common option, enabling separate script execution in parallel with the main page. Communicate with the main page through postMessage for asynchronous data exchange. Suitable for computationally intensive tasks, background processes, and long-running operations like image processing or video encoding. 2. Shared Workers: Multiple pages within the same domain can share a single Shared Worker instance. Useful for t