
Showing posts with the label Pseudo-elements in CSS

Pseudo-elements in CSS and why they are called "pseudo"?

Why Pseudo-elements are there in CSS? Pseudo-elements  provide a powerful mechanism for creating visually rich and interactive user interfaces while maintaining clean and semantic HTML markup. Why they are called "pseudo"? Pseudo-elements in CSS are called "pseudo" because they are not real HTML elements that exist in the document tree. Instead, they are virtual elements created by CSS that allow you to style specific parts of an element's content or generate additional content before or after an element. The term "pseudo" means "false" or "not genuine," and in the context of CSS, it indicates that these elements are not actual elements in the HTML document structure.  They are used to style or modify the appearance of elements based on certain conditions or criteria without altering the underlying HTML. Pseudo-elements vs Pseudo-classes Pseudo-elements are identified in CSS by using double colons `::` to distinguish them from pseud