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Computer Science Exam MCQs - Part 5

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the introduction to computing 41. What is the primary function of a CPU (Central Processing Unit)?    a) Store data    b) Execute instructions    c) Display graphics    d) Connect to the internet 42. Which of the following is considered a high-level programming language?    a) Assembly language    b) C    c) Machine language    d) Binary code 43. What does RAM stand for in computing?    a) Readable Access Memory    b) Random Access Memory    c) Rapid Access Memory    d) Retained Access Memory 44. Which of the following is an example of a secondary storage device?    a) RAM    b) Hard disk drive    c) CPU    d) Cache memory 45. What does HTML stand for in web development?    a) Hyper Text Markup Language    b) High Tech Markup Language    c) Hypertext Transfer Language    d) Hyperlink Text Markup Logic 46. Which of the following is NOT a type of computer network?    a) LAN (Local Area Network)    b) WAN (Wide Area Network)    c) CPU (Central Processin

Computer Science Exam MCQs - Part 4

10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on JavaScript 31) What is JavaScript? A) A programming language for creating dynamic web pages B) A markup language for styling web pages C) A database management system D) A descendant language from Java 32) Which keyword is used to declare a variable in JavaScript? A) var B) let C) const D) All of the above 33) What does the typeof operator return when applied to an array? A) "array" B) "object" C) "array" D) "undefined" 34) Which of the following is not a valid way to declare a function in JavaScript? A) function myFunction() {} B) var myFunction = function() {} C) const myFunction = () => {} D) let myFunction() {} 35) What does the === operator do in JavaScript? A) Checks for equality without type conversion B) Checks for equality with type conversion C) Assigns a value to a variable D) None of the above 36) Which method is used to add an element to the end of an array? A) push() B) pop() C) shift() D) u

Computer Science Exam MCQs - Part 3

  21. Which of the following is NOT a valid data type in Python?      a) integer      b) float      c) Boolean      d) character 22. What is the operator used for string concatenation in Python?      a) +      b) *      c) &      d) / 23. Which keyword is used to define a function in Python?      a) define      b) create      c) def      d) function 24. Python is an:      a) Compiled language      b) Interpreted language      c) Assembly language      d) Machine language 25. What is the indentation style used in Python to define code blocks?      a) Braces ({})      b) Semicolons (;)      c) Indentation (spaces or tabs)      d) Keywords (like if, else) 26. Which of the following is the correct way to access the second element of a list in Python?      a) list[0]      b) list(1)      c) list[1]      d) list.get(1) 27. What is the output of the following Python code: `print(5 + 2 * 3)`      a) 11      b) 15      c) 6      d) Error 28. Which loop iterates over each element in a sequen

Computer Science Exam MCQs - Part 2

11. Which of the following data structures allows elements to be accessed in Last In, First Out (LIFO) order?    a) Queue    b) Stack    c) Linked List    d) Tree 12. Which programming language is widely used for developing web-based applications and is known for its simplicity and readability?    a) Java    b) C++    c) Python    d) Ruby 13. Which of the following sorting algorithms has the worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)?    a) Quick Sort    b) Merge Sort    c) Bubble Sort    d) Insertion Sort 14. In object-oriented programming, what is the process of creating a new instance of a class called?    a) Inheritance    b) Encapsulation    c) Polymorphism    d) Instantiation 15. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental data type in most programming languages?    a) Integer    b) Float    c) String    d) Array 16. What does HTML stand for?    a) Hyper Text Markup Language    b) High-Level Text Machine Language    c) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language    d) Home Tool Markup Language

Computer Science Exam MCQs - Part 1

1. CD, DVD, and floppy disk are all examples of; a- storage media b- input devices c- output devices d- both b and c e- none of the above 2. Typically the size of a compact disk (CD) in diameter is about; a- 2.6 inches b- 3.2 inches c- 3.8 inches d-  4.7 inches e-  5.3 inches 3. How many concurrent users approximately  can a server handle? a- 250 b- 400 c- 450 d- 500 e- depends on several factors 4. The storage capacity of a compact disk (CD) is about; a- 500 MB b- 700 MB c- 1000 MB d- 1 GB e- 1.5 GB 5. What is the maximum storage capacity of a floppy disk? a- 80 kilobytes b-  144 kilobytes c-  500 kilobytes d- 1.44 megabytes e- 7  megabytes 6. Microsoft Corporation developed the Disk Operating System (DOS) for the IBM Personal Computer in; a- 1981 b- 1975 c- 1985 d- 1991 e- 1995 7. Which of the following area performs hazardous tasks with the help of computerized robotic arms? a- ICU in hospitals  b- film shooting industry  c- manufacturing industries d- construction companies e- oil