Computer Science Exam MCQs - Part 6
51. Which of the following is the correct structure of a URL? A. Protocol://DomainName.Path?QueryString#Fragment B. DomainName.Protocol//Path?QueryString#Fragment C. Protocol://Path?DomainName#QueryString D. QueryString#Fragment.Protocol://DomainName/Path 52. What does URL stand for? A. Universal Resource Locator B. Uniform Resource Locator C. Unified Resource Link D. Universal Reference Link E. Unique Resource Locator 53. In computer networking, localhost refers to a special hostname that resolves to the current machine you're using. By definition, it resolves to which IP address? A. B. C. D. E. 54. Which of the following is an absolute CSS unit of measurement? A. em B. % C. px D. rem 55. The default position for HTML elements is; a. static b. relative c. absolute d. fixed e. sticky 56. The control unit of the CPU is responsible for: A) Executing arithmetic operations B) Managing data flow between the CPU and memory C) S...