
Showing posts with the label json web token

What is JWT or JSON Web Token?

JWT stands for JSON Web Token. They are often used for authentication and authorization purposes in web applications.  It's a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims between two parties. They are digitally signed, providing a way to verify the integrity and authenticity of the information contained within the token. The Idea of JWT: Imagine you have a special key that you can give to someone to prove who you are without telling them your password. This key has three parts: A Label: This says what kind of key it is. Let's call it a "JWT Key." Some Information: This is like a note that says who you are and what you're allowed to do. A Secret Lock: This is like a lock that can only be opened with a special secret code. So, when you want to prove your identity to a website, you send them your special key (JWT token). They can read the information to see who you are and what you're allowed to do. But they can't change the information, because it's l