What are CSS variables?

CSS variables, also known as custom properties, are defined using the `--` prefix followed by a name and assigned a value. Here's the general syntax for defining a CSS variable:


   :root {
    --variable-name: value;


- `:root`: The `:root` pseudo-class selects the highest-level element in the document tree, typically the `<html>` element. It's commonly used to define global CSS variables that can be accessed throughout the document.

- `--variable-name`: This is the name of the CSS variable. It must start with two dashes (`--`) followed by a name. The name can consist of letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores, but it cannot start with a digit.

- `value`: This is the value assigned to the CSS variable. It can be any valid CSS value, such as a color, size, font, or any other property value.

Here's an example of how to define CSS variables:


   :root {
    --primary-color: #007bff; /* Define a CSS variable for the primary color */
    --font-size: 16px; /* Define a CSS variable for the default font size */
    --border-width: 2px; /* Define a CSS variable for the border width */


In this example, three CSS variables are defined: `--primary-color`, `--font-size`, and `--border-width`, each with their respective values. These variables can then be used throughout the stylesheet to apply consistent styling and easily update values as needed.


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