Computer Science Exam MCQs - Part 2

11. Which of the following data structures allows elements to be accessed in Last In, First Out (LIFO) order?
   a) Queue
   b) Stack
   c) Linked List
   d) Tree

12. Which programming language is widely used for developing web-based applications and is known for its simplicity and readability?
   a) Java
   b) C++
   c) Python
   d) Ruby

13. Which of the following sorting algorithms has the worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)?
   a) Quick Sort
   b) Merge Sort
   c) Bubble Sort
   d) Insertion Sort

14. In object-oriented programming, what is the process of creating a new instance of a class called?
   a) Inheritance
   b) Encapsulation
   c) Polymorphism
   d) Instantiation

15. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental data type in most programming languages?
   a) Integer
   b) Float
   c) String
   d) Array

16. What does HTML stand for?
   a) Hyper Text Markup Language
   b) High-Level Text Machine Language
   c) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
   d) Home Tool Markup Language

17. Which of the following is NOT a valid data structure in Python?
   a) Stack
   b) Queue
   c) Tree
   d) Heap

18. In networking, what does TCP stand for?
   a) Transfer Control Protocol
   b) Transmission Control Protocol
   c) Terminal Control Protocol
   d) Text Control Protocol

19. What is the process of converting source code written in a high-level programming language into machine code called?
   a) Compilation
   b) Interpretation
   c) Execution
   d) Debugging

20. Which of the following is an example of a NoSQL database?
    a) MySQL
    b) PostgreSQL
    c) MongoDB
    d) Oracle

--- Continued

Answer Keys

11. b) Stack
12. c) Python
13. c) Bubble Sort
14. d) Instantiation
15. d) Array
16. a) Hyper Text Markup Language
17. d) Heap
18. b) Transmission Control Protocol
19. a) Compilation
20. c) MongoDB


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