Find out the Largest and Smallest Number (separately) in a List

# largest number in a list

largest_num = None
numbers = [9, 22, 3, 566, 43, 432, 34, 233, 123, 2223, 67, 3030, 5]
for number in numbers:
    if largest_num is None:
        largest_num = number
    elif number > largest_num:
        largest_num = number
print("Largest number is", largest_num)

# Smallest number in a list
smallest_num = None
numbers = [9, 22, 3, 566, 43, 432, 34, 233, 123, 2223, 67, 3030, 5]
for number in numbers:
    if smallest_num is None:
        smallest_num = number
    elif number < smallest_num:
        smallest_num = number
print("Smallest number is", smallest_num)


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