Dice Rolling Simulator Program in Python

import random

dice_drawings = {
    1:   ("┌─────────┐",
          "│         │",
          "│    ●    │",
          "│         │",
    2:   ("┌─────────┐",
          "│  ●      │",
          "│         │",
          "│      ●  │",
    3:   ("┌─────────┐",
          "│  ●      │",
          "│    ●    │",
          "│      ●  │",
    4:   ("┌─────────┐",
          "│  ●   ●  │",
          "│         │",
          "│  ●   ●  │",
    5:   ("┌─────────┐",
          "│  ●   ●  │",
          "│    ●    │",
          "│  ●   ●  │",
    6:   ("┌─────────┐",
          "│  ●   ●  │",
          "│  ●   ●  │",
          "│  ●   ●  │",

# rollit = input("Roll the dice? (y/N): ").lower()
# while rollit == "y":
#     dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
#     dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
#     print("Dices rolled. Results are {} and {}.".format(dice1, dice2))
#     print("\n".join(dice_drawings[dice1]))
#     print("\n".join(dice_drawings[dice2]))

#     rollit = input("Roll the dice? (y/N): ").lower()


# for more than 2 dices, use the following
no_of_rolls = int(input("How many dices do you want to roll? "))
rolls_results = []
for i in range(no_of_rolls):
print("The dice results are",rolls_results)

# for i in rolls_results:
#     print("\n".join(dice_drawings[i]))

# the above 2 lines can be replace with the following, result will be the same
for i in range(no_of_rolls):
    for art in dice_drawings.get(rolls_results[i]):

# to print the dice drawings horizontally, use the following     
# for line in range(5):
#     for rolls in rolls_results:
#         print(dice_drawings[rolls][line], end="")
#     print()



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