Creating Python Virtual Environment in Windows

In the terminal of your python IDE or windows PowerShell, enter the command to install virtual environment.

pip install virtualenv

Now you can check whether the environment is successfully installed and also check its version

virtualenv --version

Now create a virtual environment with your chosen name.

virtualenv yourvirtenvname

Now activate your virtual environment.


You can enter python by entering;


And exit python by entering;


Install packages in your virtual environment by using;

pip install packagename

To install a specific version of a package;

pip install packagename==1.1.1

To check the version of your installed package;


To see what packages are installed in the environment;

pip freeze

To come out of the environment, enter


To export all the installed packages (in a virtual environment) names along with their versions in a text file; 

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Then to install all those packages in your environment in one go;

pip install -r requirements.txt


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