3 Methods of Reversing a User Input List in Python



   # defining empty list
uList = []
# defining the number of elements in the list
nList = int(input("List of how many elements? "))
print("Now enter the elements of your list one by one.")
# taking elements of the list as user input
for i in range(0,nList):
    element = int(input())
print(f"The original list is {uList}")

# taking copy of the list, storing it in variable, then reversing it
reverse1 = uList[:] 
print(f"The first reverse of the original list {uList} is {reverse1}")

reverse2 = uList[::-1]
print(f"The second reverse of the original list {uList} is {reverse2}")

reverse3 = uList[:]
for i in range(len(reverse3)//2):
    reverse3[i], reverse3[len(reverse3)-i-1] = reverse3[len(reverse3)-i-1], reverse3[i]
print(f"The third reverse of the original list {uList} is {reverse3}")

if reverse1 == reverse2 and reverse2 == reverse3:
    print("All the three methods reverse the original list in the same way.")



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