Random Password Generator in Python - Source Code


   import random
import string

print("---Welcome to Random Password Generator Tool---")

characters =  string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
lengthOfPass = int(input("Enter the length of your required password (max length allowed is 94): "))

temp_password = random.sample(characters, lengthOfPass)

password = "".join(temp_password)

print("Your password is", password)

# or the following code can be used, both do the same job

import random
import string

upper_chars = string.ascii_uppercase
lower_chars = string.ascii_lowercase
nums_chars = string.digits
symbol_chars = string.punctuation

all_chars =  upper_chars + lower_chars + nums_chars + symbol_chars
length_pass = int(input("Enter the required password length(Max=94): "))

temp_password = random.sample(all_chars, length_pass)
password = "".join(temp_password)



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