The First Ever Python Program - Learning print() function

Hi Everyone!

This is the first-ever Python program that I learned in my life and the same is true I bet pretty much about every absolute beginner like me. Anybody who newly steps into programming will encounter this program learning. 

This is indeed a baby program but it matters much as far as the absolute newbie is concerned. 

This program is learning to use the print function, i.e. 


Let's learn how to use this function!

This is actually a built-in function in Python and is used to print anything that we want to display to the user. 

It is very simple to use.

Just type in the round parenthesis of print function your desired text that you want to be shown at the terminal or displayed to the end-user. And don't forget to quote-unquote your text. 

Let's understand this with an example;

Let's say I want to print 'Good morning' to the user. All I have to do is the following;

print("Good morning")

. . .and the user should see the message  'Good morning' displayed on their monitor/terminal.

That's it.


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