List comprehension in Python

List comprehensions in Python are a powerful and concise way to create new lists based on existing iterables (like lists, tuples, strings, etc.). They offer a more compact alternative to traditional for loops with append.


new_list = [expression for item in iterable [if condition]]

  • expression: This is what you want to do with each item in the iterable. It can be a simple variable representing the item, a calculation, a function call, or anything that evaluates to a value.

  • item: This represents the variable that takes on the value of each item in the iterable as you loop through it. Think of it as a temporary variable for each iteration.

  • iterable: This is the data source you're iterating over, like a list, tuple, string, or any object that can return its elements one at a time.

  • condition (optional): This is an optional if clause that acts as a filter. Only items that meet the condition will be included in the new list.

Here are some examples to illustrate different uses of list comprehensions:

Example 1: Adding some items from one list to another


# both methods do the same thing

# Method 1

a = [2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 56, 44, 34, 33, 89, 68, 99]
b = []
for item in a:
    if item%2 == 0:

# Method 2

b = [ i for i in a if i%2==0 ]


Example 2: Squaring elements


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
squared_numbers = [number * number for number in numbers]
print(squared_numbers)  # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16]


Example 3: Filtering elements  

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange"]
filtered_fruits = [fruit for fruit in fruits if fruit != "apple"]
print(filtered_fruits)  # Output: ["banana", "cherry", "orange"]

Example 4: Using lambda functions:

temperatures = [15, 28, 10, 22]
is_hot = [temp for temp in temperatures if lambda t: t > 25(temp)]
print(is_hot)  # Output: [True, True, False, True]


A point to be noted is, list comprehensions are not always the best option. If your logic gets too complex, it might be better to use a traditional for loop for better readability.


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