
What is JWT or JSON Web Token?

JWT stands for JSON Web Token. They are often used for authentication and authorization purposes in web applications.  It's a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims between two parties. They are digitally signed, providing a way to verify the integrity and authenticity of the information contained within the token. The Idea of JWT: Imagine you have a special key that you can give to someone to prove who you are without telling them your password. This key has three parts: A Label: This says what kind of key it is. Let's call it a "JWT Key." Some Information: This is like a note that says who you are and what you're allowed to do. A Secret Lock: This is like a lock that can only be opened with a special secret code. So, when you want to prove your identity to a website, you send them your special key (JWT token). They can read the information to see who you are and what you're allowed to do. But they can't change the information, because it's l

Efficient Data Validation in Node.js: Exploring the Power of Joi

Joi is a popular JavaScript library used for data validation and schema definition.  It is commonly used in the context of server-side applications, especially when dealing with input data, request validation, and data transformation. Joi provides a convenient and powerful way to define schemas for your data and validate that data against those schemas. Key features of Joi include: Data Validation: Joi allows you to define validation rules for various types of data, such as strings, numbers, dates, and more. It enables you to ensure that data adheres to specific criteria before processing it further. Schema Definition: With Joi, you can define complex data structures using a schema object. This schema object describes the expected structure of the data, including allowed types, constraints, and optional/required fields. Chaining and Composition: Joi supports method chaining, which makes it easy to create complex validation rules by combining various validation methods. This allows you

The Basic Structure of a Full-Stack Web App

A basic structure of a full-stack web application typically consists of three main components: the front end, the back end, and the database.  Each component serves a specific role in the application's architecture. Here's an overview of the basic structure: Front End: The front end is the user-facing part of the application that users interact with directly. It's responsible for presenting data to users, collecting user input, and providing a user-friendly interface. Common technologies used in the front end include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Front-end frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js are often used to build interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Basic Components of the Front End: User Interface (UI) Components User Input Forms Display of Data Interaction Logic (JavaScript) Back End: The back end is the server-side portion of the application responsible for handling business logic, data processing, and serving data to the front end. It communicates

npm init command vs. npm init -y command

In the context of the npm init -y command, the -y flag stands for "yes."  When you include this flag, it instructs npm (Node Package Manager) to automatically answer "yes" to all prompts that would typically appear during the npm init process. This means that npm will use default values for various configuration options without requiring manual input from you. The npm init command is used to initialize a new Node.js project by creating a package.json file that contains metadata about the project, such as its name, version, dependencies, and other settings. By using npm init -y , you're essentially opting for a quick and automated initialization process where you don't need to manually confirm each configuration detail. This can be useful when you want to quickly set up a new project without going through all the interactive prompts. Keep in mind that using the -y flag can be convenient for quick setups, but you might want to review and customize the generate

What is Figma and Why it is so Popular?

Figma is a collaborative design tool used for creating user interfaces, user experience (UI/UX) designs, prototypes, and interactive design projects.  Figma is widely used by designers, developers, and teams to create, iterate, and collaborate on various design aspects. Figma offers several features that make it popular among designers and teams: Real-time Collaboration: Figma allows multiple users to work on the same design project simultaneously. Changes made by one team member are instantly visible to others, facilitating seamless collaboration. Cloud-based Design : Figma operates in the cloud, so designers and teams can access their design projects from any device with an internet connection. This eliminates the need for local file storage and version control issues. Vector Editing: Figma provides powerful vector editing tools for creating high-quality UI designs. Designers can create icons, illustrations, and other graphical elements with precision. Prototyping: Figma offers inte

Is It Wise To Delete The Git Branches After Pull Request Is Merged Into Main Code?

The question that is answered by this post is; Is it a recommended practice to delete Git branches once their associated pull requests have been successfully merged into the main code?  It is generally considered a good practice to delete the branch after a pull request (PR) is successfully merged into the main code or the target branch.  Deleting branches that have served their purpose helps keep your repository clean and organized.  Here are some reasons why deleting branches after merging is a good idea: Clean Repository:   Deleting merged branches keeps your repository clean and avoids clutter. This makes it easier to navigate and find relevant branches in the future. Avoid Confusion:   Having multiple branches that are no longer active can lead to confusion, especially for other contributors who may not be aware of the branch's status. Prevent Accidental Changes:   If a branch is not deleted and someone continues to work on it, changes might get pushed accidentally to the bran

What are Caught and Uncaught Exceptions in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, there are two types of exceptions: Caught exceptions: These are exceptions that are handled by a try/catch block. For example: try { // Code that may cause an exception throw new Error("Something went wrong!"); } catch (err) { // This will catch the exception and handle it console.log(err.message); // Prints "Something went wrong!" } Here the exception is caught and handled. Uncaught exceptions: These are exceptions that are thrown but not caught by a try/catch block. For example: throw new Error("Something went wrong!"); Here the exception is thrown but not caught, so it bubbles up and causes the JS execution to stop. These can crash your program if unhandled. It's good practice to use try/catch blocks to catch exceptions you expect, and have a general catch block at a high level to catch any uncaught exceptions and handle them gracefully. For example: try { // Code that may cause exceptions } catch (err)