
Showing posts from March, 2025

NGROK - Expose your localhost to the Internet

What is NGROK? ngrok is a tool that allows you to expose your local web server to the internet.  It creates a secure tunnel from your local machine to the internet, providing a public URL that can be used to access your local server.  This is particularly useful for testing and sharing your local development environment with others. Key Features of NGROK: Localhost Tunneling: ngrok creates a tunnel from your local machine to the internet, allowing you to share your local web server with a public URL. Webhook Testing: You can receive webhooks directly on your local machine, making it easier to test and debug webhooks from services like Slack, GitHub, and more. Local Previews: Demo a website running on your local machine to clients or stakeholders without deploying to a staging site. Secure Connections: ngrok provides secure connections with HTTPS, ensuring that your data is encrypted during transmission. Inspection and Replay: Inspect and replay requests to your local server fo...