
Showing posts from September, 2023

What is a Static Server?

A static server, also known as a web server or HTTP server, is a foundational component of the internet that plays a crucial role in delivering web content to users' web browsers.  It specializes in serving static content, which includes files that don't change in response to user interactions or database queries. Static content encompasses a wide range of files, including HTML documents, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, images, videos, fonts, and more. Here is an in-depth look at static servers, their characteristics, benefits, and common examples: Characteristics of a Static Server: 1. Serving Static Files:   The primary purpose of a static server is to respond to **HTTP requests** by delivering pre-existing static files. When a user's web browser requests a specific file, the static server retrieves it from its file system and sends it to the browser exactly as it is stored. 2. No Server-Side Processing:  Unlike dynamic web servers that generate content on-the-fly by e

The "use strict" Directive in JavaScript

The "use strict" directive is a feature in JavaScript that was introduced in ECMAScript 5 (ES5). It allows you to enable strict mode in your JavaScript code.  When strict mode is enabled, the JavaScript engine applies stricter parsing and error handling rules, helping you write cleaner and more reliable code. Here are some key aspects of strict mode in JavaScript: Safer Code:  Strict mode helps catch common coding mistakes and "unsafe" actions in your code. It turns previously silent errors into explicit errors that throw exceptions. This can help you identify and fix issues earlier in the development process. Preventing Global Variables:  In non-strict mode, omitting the var, let, or const keyword when declaring a variable can result in the creation of a global variable. Strict mode prevents this and raises an error. Assignment to Immutable Globals:   Some global variables, like undefined, are considered read-only in strict mode. Assigning a value to these variable