The Crux of the Module Pattern in JavaScript

The Module Pattern is a design pattern in JavaScript that encapsulates private variables and methods using closures, while exposing only specific public methods, promoting code organization and privacy.

This pattern uses "Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)" to create private and public variables or methods, encapsulating functionality. 

Simply, it is a factory function wrapped within an IIFE

Core idea:

- The IIFE creates a local scope, shielding internal variables and functions from the global scope (privacy).

- The pattern returns an object with public methods (the module's interface), allowing controlled access to the internal logic.



   const myModule = (function() {
    let privateVar = "I'm private";
    function privateMethod() {

    return {
        publicMethod: function() {

myModule.publicMethod(); // Accesses private data via public method


This pattern provides a clean way to create **private state** and a **public interface** in JavaScript. 


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